log::log! [-]  [+] [src]

macro_rules! log {
    ($lvl:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => ({
        static LOC: ::log::LogLocation = ::log::LogLocation {
            line: line!(),
            file: file!(),
            module_path: module_path!(),
        let lvl = $lvl;
        if log_enabled!(lvl) {
            ::log::log(lvl, &LOC, format_args!($($arg)+));

The standard logging macro

This macro will generically log over a provided level (of type u32) with a format!-based argument list. See documentation in std::fmt for details on how to use the syntax.


#[macro_use] extern crate log;

fn main() {
    log!(log::WARN, "this is a warning {}", "message");
    log!(log::DEBUG, "this is a debug message");
    log!(6, "this is a custom logging level: {level}", level=6u);

Assumes the binary is main:

$ RUST_LOG=warn ./main
WARN:main: this is a warning message
$ RUST_LOG=debug ./main
DEBUG:main: this is a debug message
WARN:main: this is a warning message
$ RUST_LOG=6 ./main
DEBUG:main: this is a debug message
WARN:main: this is a warning message
6:main: this is a custom logging level: 6