pub struct Config {
pub include_directories: Vec<Path>,
pub definitions: Vec<(String, Option<String>)>,
pub objects: Vec<Path>,
pub flags: Vec<String>,
Extra configuration to pass to gcc.
include_directories | Directories where gcc will look for header files.
definitions | Additional definitions (-DKEY or -DKEY=VALUE ).
objects | Additional object files to link into the final archive
flags | Additional flags and parameter to pass to the compiler
Trait Implementations
Keyboard shortcuts
- ?
- Show this help dialog
- S
- Focus the search field
- ⇤
- Move up in search results
- ⇥
- Move down in search results
- ⏎
- Go to active search result
Search tricks
Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
) to restrict the search to a given type.
Accepted types are: fn
, mod
, enum
, typedef