Crate ppapiExperimental [stability]
Rust idiomatic wrapper for the Pepper API.
To use, you will need to implement at least these two functions:
#![no_main] #[no_managle] pub extern fn ppapi_instance_created(instance: Instance, args: HashMap<String, String>) { } #[no_managle] pub extern fn ppapi_instance_destroyed() { }
All instances will be created from a new task/thread. The task takes its name from the id attribute on the embed object used to create the instance. Failing will cause rust-ppapi to cleanup the task, though the plugin will continue to run. Currently there is no way to automatically restart an instance if it fails.
The other callbacks consist of:
#[no_mangle] pub extern fn ppapi_on_document_loaded(loader: ppapi::UrlLoader) -> bool { } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn ppapi_on_change_view(view: ppapi::View) { } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn ppapi_on_change_focus(has_focus: bool) { } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn ppapi_on_message(msg: ppapi::AnyVar) { } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn ppapi_on_input(event: ppapi::input::Class) -> bool { } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn ppapi_on_graphics_context_lost() { }
These are all optional. If implemented, they will be called from the instance's task.
More info:
pub use font::Font; |
pub use gles::Context3d; |
pub use input::{KeyboardInputEvent, MouseInputEvent, WheelInputEvent, TouchInputEvent, IMEInputEvent}; |
pub use imagedata::ImageData; |
pub use url::{UrlLoader, UrlRequestInfo, UrlResponseInfo}; |
entry | |
ffi | |
font | |
fs | |
gles | A module to wrap OpenGLES 2.0 functions from the PPAPI |
imagedata | |
input | |
pp | |
ppb | PPB related interfaces. Many interfaces have convenience functions to remove much of the verbose-ness of the originals. |
url |
ArrayBufferVar | |
ArrayVar | |
ArrayVarIter | |
Console | |
Context2d | |
DictEntries | |
DictionaryVar | |
Instance | |
MessageLoop | |
Messaging | |
NullVar | |
ObjectVar | |
Size | |
StringVar | |
UndefinedVar | |
View |
AnyVar | |
Code | |
ResourceType |
ByRefVar | |
Callback | INTERNAL |
ContextResource | |
FromVar | |
Resource | |
ToFFIBool | |
ToOption | |
ToStringVar | |
ToVar | |
UnwrapOr | |
Var | by default all functions return false/None so one doesn't have to impl all of them. |
PPP_InitializeModule | |
PPP_ShutdownModule | |
is_main_thread | |
mount |
Type Definitions
FloatPoint | |
Point | |
Rect | |
Result | |
Ticks | |
Time | |
TouchPoint |